Songwriters Circle inviterer indenfor på Dexter til en aften med sangskrivningen i højsædet!
Kom og oplev et event der ikke er bange for at bryde “reglerne” for hvad en konventionel koncert er.
Ved at blande artisttalks og koncerter vil vi gå bagom musikken og komme helt tæt på artisten, både som musiker og sangskriver.
Få sangskriverens bud på hvad der skal til for at skrive en god tekst og melodi, og hør hvilke værktøjer der skal til i jagten på at skrive den gode sang, mellem en række af forrygende sange.
Efter koncerten vil der være en original åben scene, hvor du kan få mulighed for at prøve dine egne numre af, overfor for et lyttende og tilstedeværende publikum, eller bare slå dig ned i den musikalske sofa som publikum med åbne lyttelapper.
Aftenens sangskriver: Matthew Douglas Simpson.
“Husband, storyteller, singer, songwriter, and worship minister at his home church in Cynthiana, KY, Matthew Douglas Simpson uses music and authentic stories from his rural beginnings to bring hope to every person sitting in a barstool or church pew throughout the U.S.
Having worked in both the secular and Christian sides of the music business, Matthew never truly felt at home on either side.
It wasn’t until he began to blur those lines that he realized he’d found his true artistry.
With the trials of life as his inspiration, Simpson’s songs are a canvas filled with love, affliction, and the hope that dwells between the two.
This journey has taken him from churches to prisons and to all the dive bars in between, searching for a few late night conversations about love, life, and the bright darkness of faith.
“At the end of the day we all have a story to tell, a dark, messy, broken, heart wrenching story that has the power to heal. A story that when told honestly brings a light to the lonely and a future to the hopeless.” – Matthew Douglas Simpson
Arrangementet er gratis og dørene åbner kl 17:00.
Vi glæder os til at se dig!